Strange Creatures

“How is it possible for you to walk this loudly?”

“How is it possible for you to be so annoying?”

I was leaning defeatedly on a big rock when I heard the voices whisper-shouting somewhere among the trees. My body went rigid.

“Ok but seriously, you have to quiet down. we don’t know what might be out here.” Said the first voice, sounding much too close for my liking.

“Don’t tell me you believe the legend!” The second voice exclaimed, sounding like it was right behind the rock. “Those things aren’t rea-“

The voice stopped abruptly as leaves rustled in front of me. I couldn’t see anyone, but they must have been behind a tree in front of me, because I could hear someone breathing not too far away.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a piercing shriek come presumably from nowhere. I looked wildly around, but I didn’t see anyone. How could I not see them?! They sounded so close!

Then came a wild cacophony of shrieking and leaves flying and crunching under feet that were clearly trying to run as fast as possible. The sounds of the fleeing people quickly receded somewhere behind the rock I was next to. I stood there in shock for a few seconds, then shook myself and realized I was stupid. I had to follow them! I had been lost for hours and I was going to lose those maniacs if I stood here much longer.

I started sprinting in the direction I heard them run, and I quickly realized I could follow the disturbed earth amd leaves those people left behind. I followed their trail for only a minute when I came across what looked like an old tunnel. I was only a few yards away from it. I started uncertainly towards it but halted almost right away when a loud voice bellowed: “STOP!”

I looked around. There was no one. They sounded as if they were a few feet in front of me, but there were no trees in my way. There was no place for someone to be hiding.

“I’ll kill those two, when I get to them! Look what they’ve done!” Someone else mumbled.

“Where are you?” My voice rang out strangely.

“We have to deal with this quickly, before anyone finds out,” said the first person, “Or we won’t hear the end of it!”

Then, as if appearing from thin air, I saw something standing in front of me. I say something because it wasn’t particularly a person. It had four eyes, long spindely arms amd legs, and a head full of the longest hair I had ever seen. It was horrifying, but majestic at the same time. It lost all it’s majesticness however when it started swiftly advancing on me. I fell backwards, a scream stuck in my throat. It stopped right in front of me and crinkled it’s nose as if smelling something very unpleasant. Then it picked me up with two fingers amd dropped me in a giant pink sack.

I couldn’t get a single sound out of my mouth. I started to feel dizzy. The sack I was mercilessly dropped in was surprisingly comfortable. It rocked back and forth and I started to feel dreamy. I was probably going to die soon… Might as well have a nap…

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