In My Heart

**fiction, this is not a true tale though my heart goes out to everyone who has endured loss 💗**

My mother just died

No she didn't

But I saw the crash

But she didn't

She couldn't have

She'll come right through the door

Spreading her arms wide


Her sweet smile

Smelling like lilacs and


No she won't

She's dead

She won't come back

I will do anything


To bring her back


I'll give it


I'll give that too

Anything I tell you

Just give me back my mom

It not fair that she died

She was the sweetest mom


Ever I say

And why couldn't some

Evil stepmother

Just die

Instead of my mom?

It's not fair

It's just not fair!!

I just can't stand it

It's sinking me down

To my knees

I feel salty drops of melancholy

Drip down my face

My chest heaves

I can't breathe

Under the suffering grief

Of losing her

I can't imagine a life

Without her in it

Who will I be

Without her by my side?

What will happen

Without her cheering me on?

Where will I be

Without her?

I think of

Her beautiful smile

Her warm hug

Her sweet muffins

Her musty books

Her floral tea

Her clean smelling hair

And I draw it close

To my heart

She's there with me

Deep inside

I have her all to myself

I see her dancing green eyes

Pearly white smile

Cute dimples

Embracing touch

And I take it

Hold it close

It's inside

Just very deep

But she's mine

And she's here

In my heart.

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