The Successful Accident

I watched in terror as my best friend barreled into the room, tripping over the person laying in the doorway. The blade in her right hand slipped, promptly planting itself in the wall three inches from my face.

When her body hit the ground, the end of her assault rifle swung with her body, firing automatically. The men around her dropped like flies as stray bullets took out their neighbors. A few of the guys started for her then quickly abandoned their attack after one of them received a bullet to the knee.

Rolling to her feet like she had meant to fall, Evangeline Carter tossed aside her empty gun and threw herself at the man next to her, grabbing his pistol while her foot swung back, taking out the guy who had begun to rise to his feet.

My thoughts momentarily froze as I watched as my childhood friend completely destroyed the men who had taken me hostage. Of course, we both knew it was all accidental and she would describe the fight with a mix of “BOOMS” and “POW’s.”

Shaking out of it, I turned my head, firmly grasping the hilt of the knife in my teeth, dropping it behind me into my waiting hands. I worked the blade in between my bonded palms, I began the process of working it till the ropes snapped. By that time, the chaos in front of me had already ended, leaving my bestie breathless and drenched in blood in the middle of the room.

“Nice work Eve.”

“Anytime bae.” She said with a wink.

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