One Lump of Revolution

5 years have passed since THEY took over. Humans have been forced to live in secret underground, with only a couple hundred still living and rapidly decreasing due to starvation and being captured when searching for food on the surface. Who could have caused all of this destruction to what we believed to be an indestructible species? The small devils that we created.

Let’s back track a bit, I’m Copper Fields, one of the top scientist in all of America. The government decided what our military needed was the world’s smallest soldier that could sneak into the enemy’s body through the ears or nose and essentially shut down the target’s brain, basically assassination. I was asked to help assist in developing the technology to shrink a living organism, I personally liked to refer to it as the real life ant man. Long story short, one of our team members leaked the information on our tech to their home country, who used it to make millions. Lucky for us they did not use it in the same way as we intended to, instead they decided to shrink different animals and sell them as house pets or in petting zoos and it became a world wide phenomenon, more specifically, the shrunken elephants were what people really loved. They were called “Teacup Elephants” and they were adorable and replaced the pony in every little girl’s dreams. Everyone says elephants are smart, but we did not yet know to what extent. Once they started living like family dogs, they realized that they could cause chaos not only in the fields of Africa, but across all nations of our world. They were able to outsmart all of us and find ways to hold people hostage, destroy our homes and ways of transportation, and even man slaughter. The teacup elephants killed off almost all of us, but some of us were able to escape underground without them noticing.

We have been developing weapons and defenses to use against them for these past 5 years, and we are finally ready to take back what is ours in human’s biggest war against our own creation. We’ve even already come up with a name, and one quite nifty in my opinion. Since our war is against something we blindly called teacup we’ve decided this is our “One Lump of Revolution” to rebuild society.
