
It started on Halloween, so we all thought it was a joke. Coronavirus has been on the rise since late 2019 and it was followed by a series of odd events, such as new 5g towers, UFO evidence from the PENTAGON, murder hornets, and a star goes missing. Now I know I probably sound like every other conspiracy theorist, but I'm not. I’m a historian, and my name is Famida Michi Veda, and it means a smart righteous way. Please trust that I have thoroughly investigated all facts that will be revealed, no matter how surprising they may seem.

in November 2019, i was investigating UFO claims i saw on reddit, despite popular belief, it is a greatly reliable source. if you know where to look. I came across a file that stated that aliens had made noticeble contact with our planet, but considering they came on the eerie and purposefully deciptful holiday of halloween at first sight people assumed there was going to be new trend for halloween and it was just super exclusive so that was the reason for the imperceptible regalia. the beings were of varied sized like humans with similar outer anatomy; two arms, two legs a head, breast for females, beards or mustaches for males, but they werrent creatures youd want to see first thing in the morning after breakfast. It was easy to distinguish the invaded or infected because they took on the extremes of our races in order to create a new natural order. The invaded were diffrent from the infected because the infected became the new lows of society. they typically were dwarflike and jiggly, kinda like the musinex commercial. They had condesending attitues and no concept for their ACTUAL place in the order, considering their appearance had change to the eyes of everyone but themselves. They ended up getting fired from work which plumeted the econony and most of the troll like creatures ended up living off the government or homeless, even up until now.

The invaded were almost godlike, they were moutainous in height, their heads seemed to sweep the heavens. They could have successfully invaded earth without revolt had they conformed and outwardly changed our society if they had chose the invaded beings differently, but they never said they came in peace. The invaded were BLACK, not pompous, upity black, but the definition of what happens when you give hoodrats money. They were dripped in gold and diamonds, they dominated every business platform known to man from the presidency to prostitution, within the first month of their invasion. they gave reparations to every wronged group of people from the decendants of the western slave trade and trail of tears to the liberation of the enslaved Libians and rights of women all over the world.

All of this sounds great but these beings had their own agenda and it has only begun. I have sucessfully infultrated their internal network where they give and trade information to and from the queen.

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