Submitted by Oralie Penderwick

'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'

Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.

A woman With a cold blooded Heart

Vanessa burn, drove to my domicile, with a dangerous weapon known as a knife and as she got closer and closer towards me she stuck the knife all the way deep into my heart almost close to where my chest cavity is located. I never thought that she had a very deep and warm heart to love and care about me instead of trying to kill me I have never did anything wrong to deserve this.

I think that she has a mental problem, and she’s not dealing with it as well as she thinks she is and she might need to be in a prison cell where she can’t hurt anyone else at all without getting caught doing her killing sprees and a serial killer like her shouldn’t get away with doing this at all. I think that it’s quite unfair for someone like me to go through a situation like this I have never ever had to experience anything this horrible in my life. I also believe that all people who kill should be in jail for life without the possibility of receiving parole.

I think that if I had the chance to get away from my house I would have left it and went somewhere else much more safer without having to think about getting murdered by someone I have known my whole life.

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