You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

Gotta catch them all~

I slide the bag across the table to the man. He wasn’t much of a person for a crime profession, he had simple clothing. Some black skinny jeans and a hoodie to cover his face; while I on the other hand,wore a shiny suit with gold trim that simply brought out my eyes. Dress to impress.

The man slowly unhooked the straps on the ‘many-strap bag’. The tension building. I’m shocked that his nose hasn’t started bleeding from the pressure.

The top of the bag fell away. My grin was so wide that it could seriously split my face in two.

His face fell, jaw dropping to the floor as his skin went white. A string of curses escaped his mouth while I felt giddy and amused by such a reaction. I had to bite my lip to keep the smirk down (it didn’t work) when the man turned to me his face of shock turned to a menacing glare.

“What the hell is this!?” He yelled. He dug out a card and simply held it out.

I shrug, snatching it away and presenting it with an anime pose. “This my friend, is a Pokémon card.”

“Bullshit! You lied to me, I want my money back!” He growled, taking out a gun hidden by his hoodie. I’ll admit that did hurt a bit, but I continued.

“The Pokémon is arceus. One of the strongest. Surely you don’t want it?”

“It’s just a card how is that suppose to be a weapon! I want my money.”

I sigh. How troublesome.

“Alright then trainer, lets battle.”

I slammed the Card on the table, watching it disperse into glowing pieces. As if on cue I felt the sudden presence of regigas, Giratina, and lunala. With the new addition of arceus as well.

The old man let out a squeak, as glowing numbers, hp stats, and elemental abilities shined; making my half of the table flashier.

I felt a spurge of pride for my Pokémon team as I purred, “Arceus,” I chuckled,

“use earth power.”

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