Hunted or Hunter?

Warning: blood and violence ahead so please don’t read if you aren’t good with that, but other than that enjoy! :)

“One! Two! Three. Your time is up. Better run!” He was in so much pain, but he knew he had to run! He got up from the ground were he had been hiding to catch his breathe. He didn’t know where he was going. The bounty hunters chased after him in their desert vehicles. There was nothing for miles which meant no one would hear him scream. Well no one would hear them scream.

“Umbra gladio!” A shadow sword rose from his shadow and he grasped it with trembling hands. “Ignis ardentis!” The sword blazed with flames as he jumped from the rocks onto one of the hunters vehicles. He drove his sword through the hunter’s head and raised his hand to the second “lique!” The hunter melted into a pile of boiling goop. He then jumped from the car as it ran into one of the rocks and exploded. He grabbed his stomach in pain, he had reopened his wounds. How he wished he were better at healing. The other hunters changed direction and headed straight for him. “Acri procella!”

A giant windstorm spun itself and headed straight for the hunters. Four of them dodged, but the other three got caught and the windstorm tore them apart dyeing the sand red. One of the vehicles drove straight at him. “Hirundo!” The sand rose up and swallowed the car whole. The hunters tried to jump out. “Astrangulare!” The sand strangled the hunters and dragged them down to their graves. Two of the hunters drove at him from different sides. “Lapis!” A giant boulder fell and crushed one of them. “Retrudere!” The car got within three feet of him before it was thrusted back and crashed against the rocks. The final vehicle hadn’t made an attempt to move yet, but it finally moved. It started driving backwards at full speed trying to escape it’s fate. But he wasn’t feeling merciful. “Flare.” The car blew up and nothing was left of the hunters. He collapsed on the ground too exhausted to stand, but he smiled with pure delight. “That was fun! I want to play again.” :)

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