Submitted by Oddity
Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.
This could be real or metaphorical.
Living In A Bubble
She grew up living in a bubble
She always believed she wasn’t subtle
All her life, she had been troubled
Sometimes she steps out of her shell
Other times, she can’t seem to be so well
Her tears are quiet and her smile is not swell
She often wonders if she’s anything at all
She never is with friends
And she can never seem to blend in with the crowd
She often asks what is wrong with her
She often wonders why she isn’t special
All this time, she had been in this bubble
“I’ll never amount to anything.” She says.
“I’m a nobody, nothing special.”
She can never find the right path
She has lived inside a bubble all her life
She had been told she was to become a beloved wife
Is that what she wants?
Probably not
She’s been in a bubble for a long time
This time, though…
Perhaps, she should
Just unwind….