It had been a normal day, and that terrified her more than anything…

Continue this story. Why might a normal day for this character be such a horrifying prospect?

High Schoolers Grief

It’s been completely normal all day.

Everyone is going about their routine

The girl that sits in front of me got a new haircut.

The math teacher has new glasses.

How can they keep changing.

It’s only been a month.

I don’t want to be on debate team anymore.

None of these arguments matter!

How can you possibly be worried about prom?

What’s the point?

It’s not like it’s a matter of... life and death.

My brother is dead and you say I should just move on?

Move on?

I’m never going to get over this!

It was my big brother! Not a boy that broke up with me!

There is no ‘moving on’!

Not from this.

Not from death.

I thought these things every day

But I never spoke.

I acted just fine.

And the whole time I was dead inside.

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