They do love you, right?

Love is the lie that keeps us alive

Love is the lie we tell ourselves every night

To keep us warm against the winter winds

That crash against our windows; demanding to be let in.

No matter how tight you pull the covers, you cant stop the icy breeze from entering through the gaps. So keep your frosty eyes firmly shut.

Its just your anxiety. You tell yourself. They love you. To death.

Then why do you feel the burning of their hate? And why does your heart sink when you hear their names? Why does your skin crawl at the thought of being with them?

No. You try to remind your self. Deep breath. They love you. To death. Right?

A warm orange light dances across your face as you turn to the fire, take another deep breath.

You relax your shoulders and smile back at the winking flames. You blink hard, twice, causing the melted frost from your lashes to trickle down your cheeks.

Are you crying? Don’t. For they love you. They do love you, right?

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