Write a poem from the point of view of an eye who has seen too much.

A Game Of Cat & Mouse

Something are better left unheard of rather unseen. The cat was kill for its curiosity and so would I.

He shouldn’t have snuck in, he shouldn’t have came to looking for information that he didn’t need. Information is expensive and if he was caught, it would cost him, his life.

The boy slid behind the closet, he was hoping that the door wouldn’t open. However, hope is an unreliable thing. The superintendent slammed open the door.

She had smelled a ‘cat’, a curious one. Or rather, she had smelled a rat, that was lurking, where it shouldn’t be. She was the cat and she was going to end this game of cat and mouse

The Superintendent squinted her eyes in slippery suspicion. In the darkness of the closet, the boy watched in feverish fear. His brows were beaded with sweat and he covered his mouth, in case a gasp escaped his lips.

Soon, the Superintendent gazed directly towards the closet. The boy froze and his bit his lips, he didn’t know if she was staring but he was on edge.

The superintendent grunted and she slammed the door behind her. The boy heaved a sigh of relief, but no sound came out. He was still afraid to make a sound.

The boy lowered his eyes to the ground, as he quietly stumbled out.

When he lifted his gaze, he saw the sinister smirk on the Superintendent. He was shocked by confused anxiety. Didn’t she leave? How she find him?

The Superintendent hid her hands behind her back and she echoed the answers to his thoughts with a small phrase.

‘Found you…’

Unbeknownst to the boy, the superintendent came with a officer. The dulls step where of the officer, being sent away. While she quietly waited behind.

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