Ew, Why Him?

“Look, Noultra, I know you’re still pissed off about failing your math exam, but I’m glad you came with me today to meet my boyfriend.” Kisanjul said.

“I didn’t fail!” Noultra shrieked. “I got cheated out of from that jerk!”

Kisanjul chuckled. “So how’d he do it?”

“Did what?” Noultra knitted an eyebrow.

“How he made it look like you cheated.” Kisanjul clarified.

“Oh. Well, since I’m like the smartest in my algebra class, I was cruising through the exam with no problem. Then this illiterate, piece of degenerate sitting next to me asked to borrow my answers. I told him no, he kept harassing me for the answers, we both get in trouble, and this asshole says I keep looking at his papers!”

“And the teacher believed him?” Kisanjul asked.

“Yes!” Noultra replied, like it was obvious. “He’s just lucky we had Mr. Jahnix as our math teacher.”

“Yeah, why is that?” Kisanjul asked, before Noultra gave her a tacitly gaze. “Ohh. Well, you should’ve never outsmarted him in his own subject. You know teachers hate that.”

“Correction: men hate that.” Noultra said, pushing the double-frosted doors open.

“Everybody hates that, Noultra.” Kisanjul said, searching for her boyfriend inside.

“Hello, welcome to Frosties!” An employee across from them said.

The two waved at the employee gracefully, as Kisanjul asked, “What was the guy’s name again?”

“They call him MG.” Noultra answered.

“Oh, there he is!” Kisanjul shouted, like she seen a celebrity.

Noultra spun around and followed where Kisanjul pointed her finger towards. Noultra instinctively grimaced. She felt like a boiling pot surpassing its max that she did not want to turn off, making the steam billow from her dark hair.

“Ew.” She said nonchalantly.

“What?” Kisanjul made a semicircle, her long hair swinging to one side of her face. “What’s wrong with him?”

“That’s MG!” Noultra pointed out.

“You mean Metrius Greilahn?” Kisanjul inquired.

“That’s his full name?!” Noultra widened her eyes as Metrius decided to get up and approach them. “I’m gonna barf.”

“What’s up, babe? You came just on time.” Metrius said, hugging Kisanjul.

Silence ensued when Metrius and Noultra made eye contact. Kisanjul could excruciatingly feel the tension between the two, as Noultra’s expression was filled indignation while Metrius’s was filled with a cocky smile. To break the ice, Kisanjul felt the need to say something, anything.

“Metrius, did you really faked Noultra cheating on your exam?” She questioned.

“Hell no!” Metrius denied. “She’s just a smart-ass and thinks she knows the whole world by hand, yet she peek at my paper for answers.”

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Noultra screamed throughout the restaurant, causing all eyes to turn on them.

“Hey, smarty pants, take a chill-pill.” Metrius wryly said.

“Argh, you’re such a liar!” Noultra raged.

“Hey, hey, hey!” The employee shouted. “We can’t have that in here. Either order an ice-cream or please leave this restaurant.”

“Can you please just order my friend an ice cream.” Kisanjul said. “We’ll talk about this later.

Metrius glanced at Noultra, whom still looked like she wanted to punch him. He sighed and said, “Alright.”

“And I want chocolate ice cream!” Noultra shouted.

Metrius rolled his eyes.

“Order me a Sunday. I have to use the ladies room.” Kisanjul departed, leaving the rivalry alone.

“I can’t believe you’d just lie to her like that.” Noultra said.

“Lying about what?” Metrius said.

“You know what I’m talking about!” Noultra said, getting in his face.

“Well, look,” Metrius walked away to sit at the table. “I’m going out with Kisanjul Nervail. She’s the most popular girl in school. I’m not gonna mess that up.”

Noultra jaw would drop if she was surprised, but she wasn’t. She always knew he was a slob.

“Oh, really?” Noultra said. “I’m telling!” She strutted off.

“Fine, go ahead! She won’t believe you.” Metrius replied.

“We’ll see about that!” Noultra proceeded to strut.

She entered the ladies room calling Kisanjul.

“Hey, Kisanjul?”

“What, Noultra?” She responded from the stalls.

Noultra pulled out her phone. “I got a recording I want you to hear.”

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