This Side Of Kellion

Oh! Hello! I did not see you there! My name is Otto Eldridge and I am the tavern keeper Bjorn’s apprentice. One useful thing about being at the tavern all the time is you get to know pretty much everyone on this side of Kellion from thieves and pirates to doctors and magicians. I happen to be friends with one of the most esteemed magic workers of our time! Her name is Jodie Frit and she is the most beautiful girl you could imagine I mean like think of a golden Jeclif style beer and then give it freckles bright blue eyes and a smile to rival any shadow, in nutshell I’m in love with one amazing girl and I will never not be in love. Let me tell you how it all began. It was a humid day and I had been tasked with getting supply’s for a new brew that Bjorn was trying, I was walking down the road to the nearest town when suddenly I was tackled into the trees by you guessed it Jodie! But I did not know that at the time, anyways I tried to say what the heck but she covered my mouth and said “get down!” As a group of four ran past our spot in the trees. As we waited for the pounding footsteps to quiet it started to rain but before I could continue towards the town Jodie grabbed my hand and said “let’s get out of here” then suddenly we were running. It must have been 20 minutes before we stopped at a clearing that had a big tree with twisted branches that look as if they were trying to grab the stars, she started to move her hands towards the tree and the bark split apart revealing a wooden staircase going down into the ground. When I finally got settled I sat down and asked her where she had taken me but the response I got was silence. “Make yourself useful and put as many of those bottles in the bag” as she handed me a burlap sack, I was about to protest but thought better of it considering what she did to the tree earlier and started putting bottles into the bag. Then she came over to me with a bag similar to mine and said “come on, follow me” “no” I said “not until you tell me what the hell is going on”, “I’ll tell you on the way” she said. Once we got out of the tree she stopped and told me to sit down and then she started talking “I’ve been watching you Otto, you see I have a curse and my teacher said the one named Eldridge will break it” “well what is your curse? and how do you know my name?” “My teacher duh did you listen to what I just said? Anyways my curse is that i get possessed by a haint, a spirit or demon of sorts I murder people every Thursday at noon and have been for the past three years.” “Is that why those people were chasing you?” I said, she nodded and said “you have to break my curse and kill me before noontime tomorrow because then the spirit will take over and wreak havoc on the land.” She got up and I suggested we go to the tavern and look through Bjorn’s library for anything that might save her and rid the spirit without me having to kill her. By the time we arrived at the tavern the sun was just about to set, we entered through the back door into my room and went to the library in search of any knowledge that might help. “Soooo” I said “what you did with tree back there, what was that?” “Magic” she replied. I nodded and grabbed a book called magical ailments for curses and hexes and opened it to the table of contents, “here” I said and flipped to page 76. The title read Demons? No Sweat, she grabbed the book from me and started conjuring ingredients out of thin air for a potion. The next morning I found Jodie asleep in a chair a blue potion sitting on the table in the library, I woke her up and we brought the potion outside waiting for the inevitable but as soon as we walked out she started convulsing then the demon blew me back and I hit the ground hard I threw the potion to her and she drank it but stopped moving, I ran over and shook her shoulders hoping she was not dead. “Gasp!” her eyes shot open and looked at me, then we were kissing. And that my friends is why I’m in love with Jodie Frit.

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