"If they would just let me back in the house then we wouldn't have this problem!"
Write a story which includes this line of speech.
The Guard and The Royal part 2
He looked into my eyes and breathed in softly.
"Hey! That's the guard that stole the princess!" someone shouted.
My heart dropped, Zayn's eyes narrowed and he growled quietly. He clenched my hand and sprinted towards the exit behind the old broken down bakery. My heart pounded as I heard the clacking of armor boots on the ground.
"We're almost there" Zayn whispered as he pulled me onto the wall across from the exit. I heard the captain of the guards yelling and swearing not too far from us. His voice made my body shiver, Zayn felt it too.
"He's not going to get you... Over my dead body" he growled.
I almost choked on my saliva as his words entered my ears.
"Not literally, KC" he chuckled. "Sorry about that I know you're sensitive"
He loosened his tight grip on my hand.
"Right... Okay" I sigh in relief. He looks in the gap between the exit and starts walking slowly. I follow then glance at the guards from the gap in the alley. But when I looked back at Zayn he was gone.
I was starting to panic, my heart was tightening in my chest.
"Don't worry, princess"
The voice ran through my ears and my body shivered.
"Let go of me!" Zayn yelled. Zayn noticed me and his expression soften.
"L-let go of him...please" I stuttered.
The capten smirked slowly and moved closer.
"I don't think we can do that, princess. You see this guard is a rebel against the code of guardians."
I wanted to hit him where he wouldn't get up for a long time but I knew I couldn't.
"He's not, he's-"
"We'll need to put him in the dungeon"
Zayn was looking down again, I wanted him to be free from the guard's grasp. I couldn't take it how they just looked at him like he was... Worthless. I stood straight and clenched my fist. I turned around toward the captain and threw my fist at him. His head went back and his body fell on the floor. The other guards were in shock but quickly started to surround me. I counted them quickly and took my fighting stance. One by one they all retreated and all that was left was the guard holding Zayn. Zayn smirked at me and growled at the guard which made him run. I caught my breath and raced to Zayn. He held me close to his chest and brushed his thumb on my cheek.
"I knew you were a good learner..." he smiled.
I giggled, "Or maybe I had a good teacher"
His smile faded and glanced at the captain still knocked out.
"I should've been more careful..." he whispered under his breath. He pulled away slowly, his fingers leaving my hands. I knew he doubted everything about himself but I never seen it this bad before. I looked over him, his back facing me as he mumbles to himself. I groaned and walked over to him. I swung him around and pulled down on his collar so he was my height (yes, I'm that short).
"Zayn Shadeclaw you listen to me" I said sternly. His eyes went wide with amazement and a bit of fear.
"You have to understand that you protect me better than anyone and I love you for that but just stop thinking everything is your fault it's not" my voice turned more soft. He sighed and hugged me tight.
"How did someone like you fall in love with someone like me?" I felt his lips move on my neck as he bury his face into it. I brushed his hair softly, "You're very likeable" I whispered in his ear.
He grumbled,"No... I'm not"
"Yes, you are because I did easily"
His cheeks turned into a deep shade of red and looked away. I pulled his face toward me and smiled softly as he admired my face. His face was just a inch away from mine, I swallowed hard and looked into his eyes. He looked into mine and drifted toward my lips. I felt his breath on my face, soft and warm. I pulled closer, just a centimeter away. He kissed me softly. My heart was beating so loudly I thought it was going to explode. He carressed my face and held it. My arms pushed through on his shoulders and I pulled back. I opened my eyes and saw him, just looking deep into my eyes.