Submitted by Orelli

I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

Write the story leading up to, or going forward from, here.


“Here we go”, I say nervously as we get to the front of the line. I’ve been afraid of heights for as long as I can remember, unlike my sister Deja, who’s been parasailing, never hesitates to ride the biggest roller coasters, and is the one who suggested that we go cliff jumping while we’re here in Hawaii. It’s ironic that she seems more nervous than me this time, less chatty as usual. I nudge her with my elbow.

“You good D? You’d usually be cracking a joke or something at this point.”

She chuckes. “I’m good. It’s just, now that we’re actually HERE, I’m just a little nervous. We’re so high up.”

I feel the same way. We read Kahekili’s Leap, also known as Warrior’s leap, is an 80 foot drop into the ocean from a giant rock cliff. The journey here was intense in itself. We had traveled 30 minutes by ATV up windy, unmarked dirt roads just go get to our jumping point. There’s no turnung back now.

“Trust me, I’m nervous too, but I mean, we’re already here. Plus, we’re not the only jumpers. Let’s just try to hit the water feet first.”

We watch the couple in front of us of go. Moments later we hear a big spash followed by laughter. They seem to have had a good jump. Now it’s our turn.

I grab my sister’s hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

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