“Every now and then, it seemed like she opened her mouth and two voices came out.”

The Change

Every now and then, it seemed like she opened her mouth, and two voices came out. One overpowering the other, the same way the anxious sound of thunder drowns the peaceful rain. It’s was almost too painful for her to bear, nobody understood her and never even tried, at the least. When she would sit alone, she begged with herself to find new words. “Just try” she choked in a throat twisting whisper. “Please” she managed to croak. This went on for months, she constantly pushed herself further and further into a deep introversion. Blaming herself for being unable to communicate. How is it so easy for others? Why does it come so natural for them? She would speak with a level of philosophy that nobody around her understood. Questioning the mere existence of certain circumstances enthralled every inch of her being. Though, because nobody could grasp the concept, she was medicated for years to close this part of her brain. It didn’t make sense to her, she felt insecure because she knew her mind was different. The day finally came, when she decided to stop speaking; and she began writing.
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