Submitted by Libby Anderson
You find notes around your house written in your handwriting. Use at least two of these in your story: You are a lie; Do not trust your husband; They are coming!; I will be free; Kill them all; Don't go into the basement; The dog is an alien.
Write a story based on the prompt
Don't Ignore The Signs
"Morning, sweetheart. You took quite a nasty fall last night."
His voice. The sound of his voice always happened to make me tense up with fear. Every morning started just like the previous had. His unusually sweet voice would always make my stomach feel tight and queasy, but it was his touch that sent shivers throughout my body, preparing for the unexpected.
"Morning," I nearly choked out a whisper. His touch gave me chills as he rubbed my shoulder with love.
"I wish I could stay a while, but I'm off to work. Make sure you have the best dinner ready with a bottle of wine by sundown. I might be coming in from work a little late tonight. Okay?" I only nodded my head, afraid of what little voice I had in my throat. All of a sudden, I felt a thousand needles prick my scalp as he fisted a handful of my hair. "I didn't hear you say anything?"
"Y-Yes," I cried in pain, which caused him to release immediately.
"Good. Well, I'm off now. See you later," he said while rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand. All I did was flinch.
I buried my face into the pillow and waited until the deafening sound of the door locked. That was the only proof I had that he was gone. As soon as I heard him leave the house, I shot out of bed and went straight towards the bathroom. Not able to withstand the tension in my stomach, I barely made it to the toilet.
A minute or two later, I stated at my pale skin, sunken eyes, and bruises in the mirror. Going to brush the vomit from my tongue, I reached for my tooth brush to find a note, taped to the bottom corner of the mirror. Pulling it off, I slowly read the messy red lettering from my already shaking hands.
"You're a lie."
Glaring wearily at the note, I ripped it up, tossed it into the toilet, and watched as the pieces swirled away with the water. I didn't know if this was a prank, but today wasn't the day.
After I finished my morning routine, I went into the kitchen to make coffee, and whatever breakfast my stomach could handle. I opened the fridge, grabbed out some coffee creamer, and closed the door, just to find another note.
"Don't trust your husband."
Now, I started to get worried. Whom were these notes for? Whoever they were for, they sure didn't make me feel better.
Opening the kitchen drawer, I found another note in with the utensils. I shook my head and grabbed it. On my way to throw out the note, I caught sight of a red exclamation mark. That's when I started to panic. Unfolding the piece of paper, I glanced down at the message, my heart pounding in suspense.
"Don't go into the basement."
Crumbling up the paper, I shoved it into the over-filling trash can before going back to my coffee. I had enough with these letters, and I don't know where these were coming from.
Feeling the ground vibrate and shake, a loud clunking noise could be heard coming from the basement. Then in one second, the kitchen floor gave way and I plummeted ten feet.