Desolation, The Review

**The poem:**

_The sky, a vision rotten,_

_The air, a taste so bitter,_

_The ground, caked and covered,_

_In the dead men’s glitter._


_The horizon is fading,_

_Their rifles are crying_

_Everyone is dying!_

_Everyone is dying!_


_So far out of reach,_

_An end, beyond their grasp,_

_How hard to teach,_

_This futile, empty clasp._


_Everyone is dying,_

_Everyone is dying._




**The Review:**__


"Desolation" is a haunting and powerful poem that captures the brutal reality of war in such a vivid way. Right from the start, it paints a vivid picture with images of a polluted sky and ground, but what really stands out is the use of "glitter" to describe the blood of fallen soldiers.

This contrast between the usual beauty of of glitter and the horror of blood makes it even more striking and unforgettable.

As the poem continues, the line "rifles crying" grabs your attention. It’s a strong metaphor that really drives home the sense of anguish and relentless violence. It makes you feel the soldiers' pain and fear.

The repetition of "everyone is dying," first with exclamation points and then with full stops, is super effective. It shows how the horror becomes so overwhelming that the initial desperate cries for help eventually fade into numb acceptance. This shift is heartbreaking and really conveys the emotional toll of war.

Lines like "so far out of reach" and "an end, beyond their grasp" highlight the hopelessness of the situation. No matter how close they get to what seems like a victory, it always feels just out of reach, and it never truly ends.

Overall, "Desolation" is a raw and intense portrayal of the devastation of war. The way it ends without resolution reinforces the idea that the impact of war is never-ending. It’s a powerful piece that leaves a lasting impression and never fails to keep you engaged throughout.

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