The Love For Lily

As usual,I am going to a flower shop

And, without even opening a mouth,

A lady brought me a fresh bookey

A lily.

I smiled looking at the white petals,

Breathtaking bloom, the fresh smell

I happily pay and left and am going to meet

My love.

Taking about my love,

she hasn’t spoken to me for past 15 years,

I wonder how she looks now with the wrinkles,

I remember her words “ I will never ever get old.”

And,Now I see it,I always say how she is always right.

Her mesmerizing eyes,those soft pearly eyes,

The round lips, and her beautiful heart

Well, She is the prettiest one I got to keep.

I almost reach to her place,it is filled with silence,

Everyone is under the ground here,

I went toward her place, and put the fresh lily in front of her, she seems mad at me..She doesn’t talk to me,you know

And, beside the fresh lily,There is a pile of a boo-key of lily and I said as usual,”here I am,my love.I am here as I promised with the lily as you always wanted”.


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