Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

To Remain A Good Memory

The more I saw her, the more distant she appeared. I felt our connection was weakening, losing her signal. It felt as if a fight to hang out with her anymore, as her interest had never been so gone. It was time for us to part as the universe spoke through us. Her and I both know it’s time as I cling on to the memories where we felt the most of happiness and enjoyment. The feeling of not thinking of anything and simply loving the presence of one another. But this feeling’s spark had died down, as the candle could be blown out by the slightest breeze of an eye’s blink. Our record remains inside of us and has come to an end for now. We may or may not see each other ever again, and that is okay. I’d rather enjoy a moment with ease than fight for a smile. “I’m just tired” she announces, though being tired is a word for being drained. Drained of the act of entertaining my existence. She doesn’t mean this, but nature cannot be ignored. “It’s okay” I respond to her though I’m also responding to my longing for more of our moments together. We no longer feel the same as a day could always come for us to reunite. It is simply a part of our individual life journeys and we shall not stand in the way or each other’s directions. We end our meeting and haven’t seen each other sense.

Our departure was needed for us to accomplish what we have. Perhaps we’ll meet again, or not.

Either way, it’s good..

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