Describe a tense scene backstage at some kind of audition. Focus on the internal monologue of your protagonist.

Detail their anxieties and motivations as they wait for their turn. How do their nerves affect the outcome of their audition?

Stream Of Waiting

_You can’t do it. You know you can’t do it, people have told you this so many times before. You’ll just prove them all right. At least that’s one thing you can do right, fail. Fail for everyone to see, so that they know they were really right about you. Only if - what if you’re wrong? What if you can do it? Doesn’t matter because you won’t. You’ll turn right around and walk out. Another missed opportunity. So many missed opportunities because you’re scared of yourself, scarred that you’ll prove them all right. But the power of proving them wrong, now that would really be something. Oh, you’re next. He didn’t look nervous at all and she left the room with a smile. Maybe you will too. Yeah, you will too. You’re just as qualified as any of them, anybody else here. You believe in yourself, what you have to offer, and that’s what matters. They’ll like you, they’ll sense your energy. You’re up, you’re going to do this. This might be the most important moment of your life and you’re taking it! You might fail - no - be quiet. It will be wonderful. You’ll make yourself proud. Do it for you. _

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