Write a short descriptive piece about a deeply unlikeable character that attempts to make them likeable.
A reader’s impression of a character can be manipulated with a few choice words. You could invoke sympathy, admiration, or maybe even get your reader to empathise with the unlikeable traits of this character.
Lilian was a teenage girl who to most seemed invisible but one day she was threw with it. She bought makeup and clothes that seemed trendy to her the next day she put it on and then she made a brave decision. She said goodbye to Lilian, and welcomed in lily.
Lily now was the new girl at school nobody had new. One Zoe, who was “popular” even invited her to sit with her and her friends. But one girl new what was going on she was now a “cool kid”. Nobody now was messing with her. She had power now and liked it! Though she abused it. After school when she was walking to her car she realized it was old and rusty. No one could see her in it so she began to was for people to leave.
For the next few days the same things happened.
Though a very special day came, one of Zoe’s friends Anna came.
“Lilian?” Lilian was shocked to hear that name. “I’m sorry? Do you mean lily?”
She knew it sounded weird to say something like that, but she had to let go her past self, no matter if it wasn’t her. “Why are you telling them wrong? I mean you are lily.” She couldn’t tell her that weirdo was her, but was it? No body could remember her other than her dad. Who was on a work trip, so she didn’t have to deal with it.
But she had to come clean she knew it ,“How do you know that name?” She said in anger “I don’t want anyone to hear that name. Not at all.”
Anna knew what she was going threw so came clean too “I’m like you. My name is Maryanne. I just go by Anna, but I let them know my full name. I swear to you I was going to make all of us not feel like nobodies. I hated that.”
“No you didn’t.” Lily cried “you didn’t know that pain. Because you would’ve helped, and you would know the nights where you just wanted someone to say your name other that your parent!”
MarryAnne said this. “Then why didn’t you? Look, you don’t have to answer. But think about it. So if you do want to make a change help me? Because tomorrow we are going to wear our old clothes. No makeup no good hairdos either. For the past us, for Lilian and Maryanne.” Now both of them had tears on their faces.
The next day Lilian wore her old style, with her old clothes, and no makeup like she used to do. And not only did the invisible girls do it, the populares did too, that day on lily and Anna changed something because, still some girls wore makeup and crop tops, but no one felt that way, even new people.