“I’ve never met anyone like you before!”

“You should be grateful for that.”

Write a story that contains this section of dialogue. Think about who your characters are, and the nature of this exchange.

Not The Only One

“I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

Surely you have, though… right?

I’m not the only one stuck in a ditch,

a loop, warned against the fight

versus the world and its stitches.

I’m not the only one with traits of a vampire,

pale, pale skin, who loves the night,

but can’t take a glance at a mirror unless it’s on fire.

The only trait I don’t have is the bite.

I’d never do that… would I?

I’m not the only one stumbling on their words.

I can’t think straight half of the time,

it’s almost like the clock can hurt

because it refuses to rewind.

I’m not the only one that did some things bad.

I’m not the only one that took it out on others.

I’m not the only one who’s been stuck in sad,

dull, emotions, that don’t let them see colors.

But I’m the only one who’s all of these.

At least, that’s in my thoughts to think.

I’m the only one you should be afraid of,

I have a lot of vampiric qualities.

I’m afraid to walk sometimes,

I wouldn’t be shocked if I was the only one.

I’ve been bullied, even after changing schools.

I changed schools so much, but nothing else did.

Except, maybe, just maybe, the moving,

it gave me my social anxiety.

You know, the “afraid to walk” thing?

I guess that’s why you’ve never met another like me.

You should be grateful for that.

I’m a complex person, honestly.

I’m all the nightmares; attacks,

rolled into one person: me.

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