Your character sees everything in black and white. One day, they see but one colour in a world of monochrome. Describe their experience of this colour.

It could be a red balloon or a blue bird - this is a good way to really get into vivid and metaphorical descriptions!

The Indescribable Blue

Elena goes about her colourless day by getting out of bed and getting dressed. She looks around for her glasses, but they are no where to be seen. She checks by her table, under her couch, even by the cat’s bed, but they are nowhere. She turns around to check her bed, as she had been reading as she fell asleep. But still, nowhere. Suddenly she checks to see where her book is, and strangely she could see the ocean in colour on the front. She calls her brother Jeremy to ask him is she’s still dreaming, but no. She could actually see this majestic colour. Jeremy asks her to describe the colour, but suddenly she has a loss of words. She couldn’t put her mind to it. It was, still no words came to mind. She went about her day as normal except when she stepped outside and looked up to see the birds, there it was again, that, that, colour. She ignored it and ran to the park to tell her best friends, Bonnie and Caroline. That’s it! She knows how to describe the colour. It gives her the feeling of a cool summers breeze, at the beach with her bestest friends in this whole world. It feels so majestic she couldn’t wait to tell her friends. But suddenly, everything goes black and white again. No more blue sky. The bicycle is now black once again. And she doesn’t know how she described the colour. She suddenly falls to the ground trembling, why would this happen to her? How could this colour just fade away? Why can’t she remember what it feels like to see it?
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