The Dark Passenger

When I died, my shawdow decided they would take over. They cane from my shadow relm, the one deep within. They wanted to be in charge for once. I was not in control anymore, the dark passenger was all that was left. This dark passenger was in itself the epitome of horror.

The Dark Passenger went on acting like it was living out the days of the young girl it once was. However it knew… it knew that it was never going to feel like that let alone be that young girl ever again. The acting of The Dark Passenger is always top notch, never losing its focus on its main goal.

I was locked down… deep deep down inside The Dark Passenger. No one could hear me screaming and pleading to be let out. “I want my life! I want to live!” I screamed until I could not scream anymore. I fell to my knees and succumbed to my surroundings… knowing I was now The Dark Passenger.

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