Lonely Together

People think of lonely as being alone. But tis not true, you can be alone and not lonely or be surrounded by people but feel lonely. this is one of my favorite analogies to use. You’re at a party but your friends aren’t there your surrounded by people but you feel lonely because you don’t know anyone.

Now here is a quick story about being lonely:

Once in a crowded high school there were two people who didn’t have any friends they would sit at the same lunch table alone. They din’t know each other until one day the social worker introduced them to each other. They were good friends after that but they still felt lonely. Everyone wanted to be popular except for them they were outcasts in a sense. They were surrounded by people yet still felt lonely. They were lonely together.


The point of this story I to give another example of how lonely doesn’t mean alone.

And as always I will conclude my essay with a quote of wisdom. This is truly one of my favorite quotes, “You may be lonely but you are never alone. God is With you today.” (Psalm 23:4)

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