Write a story about something that never changes throughout an ever-evolving world.

Think about the properties of this thing that make it so consistent, and whether this makes it good or bad.

The Things That Never Change

The world dances to the beat of the universe, wearing its shoes made from shining golden stars. They tap against the blackness of the galaxy and dance on the ceiling, for there’s nothing too crazy for this world.

Blinding lights reflect off of buildings and shield people from seeing the blood running through the streets. The call of death rings in the ears of those who fear it the most. Three sisters hold the string at an angle so they can cut it short.

Then there is love; the craziest thing that ever existed. Some say it’s at first sight. Some say those are the words of fools.

Even with all of the craziness shining through the clouds, there is an infinite amount of beauty. The orange sunsets, the laughing children, and the soft glow coming from a kind heart. The mysterious moon and all of its companions twirl ‘round the earth, but only to shield more helpless and vulnerable eyes.

Hate is the most evil thing that the universe holds. Violence eats away at any unsuspecting victim. All people who are sick enough to do such horrible things to humans should be shamed upon, or they will destroy, and our crazy, unpredictable world will be doomed.

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