Power: the capacity to direct or influence the behaviour of others, or the course of events.

Introduce a character who holds a position of power, and write about how they use this power. Try to think outside the box of political/business/wealth -based power.


Being a Director was a position of power.

Power over people. Power over land, over machines. Power over vast swathes of resources that humans had lost lives over. Power over the arcane. Power in ruling.

Power was a purpose in the world. Power was a crumbling pillar of quickly eroding stability, in a never ending sea of turmoil. Power was claimed by clawing your way up, til your hands are too bloodied to remember whose or whats blood stains them red. Power was clutched to, held dearly and fiercely.

Power had its drawbacks, ones you must not, and can not afford to complain about. People without power, without influence may only see the shining light above them, without seeing the shadow cast by power. People would call you “ungrateful” and “selfish.” What did they know?

Director IA-6, or known more commonly by both her friends and colleagues on the Board as Valentine blinked her thoughts away bitterly.

Oh how she wished she didn’t have power now.

“Your verdict, IA-6?”

Valentine rose.

Power was influence. Power was the ability to sway a vote in favor of either way. Power was the ability to hold a person’s life in your hands.


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