"I need you to listen to me very carefully. You don't know me, but I know you."
Write a story using this as the opening sentence.
Journey Into The Cave
“I need you to listen to me very carefully. You don’t know me, but I know you.” Were the words I kept hearing in my head as we entered the cave. My father in what he knew of tricks, did not know what it may have meant.
“Be on alert son, have an arrow ready in case a threat shows himself,” he said with his sword ready and torch lighting the way.
I notched an arrow, preparing to let it fly. As we searched I thought about what father and I discussed before we headed on our journey. That we would find ourselves helpless and in fear beyond our worst nightmares. This is certainly one of those times. With the voice in my head saying he knows me, but does not sound familiar at all; and the increasing darkness of the cave. Then I look at father, walking in as though he has no fear at all! If it weren’t for what he told me of his past, I would almost believe he knew no fear at all.
“So father, do you think,” I said trying to seem brave like father, “think it is in here?”
“Well, what do you think? Did you hear the voice before we walked in or when we walked in?”
“When we walked in...”
Father peaked back, “So there might just be your answer. Do not fret son, do you remember why we came?”
“Someone needed help and we have the only thing that can help them?”
“That is right. We started the journey for you to take your next steps in this world we have been born into. Like all of life, it will come with many fears and unexpected challenges. This is one such case of that.”
We continued following the tracks. And as we reached the middle of an intersection they stopped. Father started forward, continuing on the path straight ahead.
“I need you to listen to me very carefully. You don’t know me, but I know you.” Was even louder than before, yet father only heard my cry of discomfort, and not the voice.
“Hold fast my son, for the Spirit we have is stronger than the one that tries to trouble you!” Father said surely, bringing some courage back to my heart.
And as we continued, we reached the end of the deep, dark cave. Before we turned around, footsteps and the sound of a staff hitting the ground began to come upon us.
“I need you to listen to me very carefully. You don’t know me, but I know you,” said an old man appearing from the shadows.
“Father,” I whispered, “this is no scary beast, but is an old man. No, maybe an old warrior?” And as he got closer and the light of the flame began to settle on him more, I added, “And missing an eye. So strange, but a beast?”
“Hush son, stay back!” My father exclaimed, putting himself between the man and I, “Though he appears to be an old man, it is what is inside him, that is the beast we seek.”
“You have a strange smell amongst you two. You do not smell of the condemned as many of those who bow before me do,” the old man said in a twisted and disgusted way. “My dear boy, you have the spirit of everlasting life, or so you think. How do you know what you believe to be true? For I have been given the spirit of knowledge of the world, and all things in the world do I know.”
“Silence you spawn of depravity! Now son!”
And without a second thought, I released my arrow. Yet it was as though the man was made of mist, for it went right through him!
The old man laughed, and said, “Wonderful shot my boy! Unfortunately that is all the time I have for now. I just wanted to give my greetings. Consider what I have asked you my boy. And welcome to Midgard.” He then disappeared like steam into the air. Then behind us the cave wall began to open, and in this new portal a whole new realm was before us.
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