Write a romantic poem that could be sung as a song.
Think of the rhyme schemes and structures common in songs.
I was lost to myself,
tossed my heart into hell.
Don’t want it, don’t need it,
don’t know what I’d do with it
if it began to beat.
I felt if I fell
no one could even tell.
So I stepped to that edge,
leaned out that window ledge
and your hand reached out for me.
Tumbling down this tunnel
We’re in trouble
Can you stand?
What we find at the bottom
Will take guts if we’ve got ‘em
Take my hand
Pull me up to my feet,
wipe the dust from our knees.
Whatcha see, can’t believe
you’re still standing next to me
I’m the one who got us stuck.
Take a breath, take a rest
Which way should we go next?
Only way out is to play out
The path that has been laid out
Before the both of us.
Fumbling through this tunnel
We’re in trouble
Can we stand?
What we find at the bottom
Will take time, but we’ve got it
Take my hand
Sudden light clear and bright
I wish I might, can I?
See the light know it’s right
Hope I might, can I...
love you?
I do.
Stumbling out of this tunnel
Had our troubles
Here we stand
What I found at the bottom
was my heart, now you’ve got it
in your hands.