Inspired by [Howl]Flufffrog
You see a report of a missing person on the news. You ignore it, until two minutes later when they show up on your doorstep...
The news was nothing but negative lately. Potential wars, terrorist acts, missing people, shootings… Danny sighed and changed the channel. He wasn’t sure why he even turned it on anymore. Every time he did, it made him anxious. The world was always ending. War was always coming. Nothing was good. Everything seemed to be falling apart.
The doorbell rang. Danny jumped, startled from his doom channel surfing. His finger hit the off button and he stood. He wasn’t expecting anyone. For a moment he rocked on his feet, wondering if he should just ignore it. He checked his phone. No texts. His friends always texted when they were heading over. Maybe it was a sales person? Did door to door salesmen even exist anymore? Maybe it was one of those religious people trying to peddle their beliefs. Danny frowned, about to sit back down. That was probably it.
Before he could sit, the doorbell rang again. Then again. Danny gave an annoyed sigh as he stomped towards the door. Man, these people were pushy! He flung open the door.
“What?!” Danny snapped. His brow creased when his eyes landed on a young woman. She looked disheveled, scared. Her thin brown hair was a tangled mess on her head, matted with leaves and dirt. Her pale skin was also smudged with grime, as if she’d been rolling around outside. Her clothing was tattered and dirty. Danny’s eyes landed on her feet, bare and lined with cuts.
The young woman, who appeared to be in her twenties, lowered her hand from the bell and wrapped her arms around herself.
“Who are you?” She asked as if surprised to see him at the threshold of his own home. Danny frowned. Great, a homeless drug addict… Just what he needed.
“I should be asking you that. You came to my house.” He snorted as his eyes traced her face.
She looked… familiar somehow. He’d definitely seen her face before. Recently too. It was dirtier now but she looked just like that girl from the missing person’s report on the news.
“Hey, wait a second… You’re the girl from the news. C-“ Her eyes grew wide with terror as he spoke. Before he could finish, she shoved herself forward. One hand clamped over his mouth as she shoved him back. She kicked the door closed behind her before they both fell on the floor.
“What the hell?!” Danny yelled as he pried her off of him. “What are you, crazy or something?”
“You can’t say that name.” The girl rolled to her feet and stood. She was shaking, panting. She was terrified.
“Oh fuck, you are crazy…” Danny said as he sucked in a breath.
“I’m NOT crazy!” She snapped before she wrapped her arms around herself and turned her back to him. “I’m sorry… I just… You can’t say it.” She rocked where she stood. Her toes wriggled on the cold tile in the entryway of the house. Danny watched her for a moment, unsure of what she might do. Of course a crazy person wouldn’t realize they were crazy. Wasn’t that how insanity worked?
“Ok. I won’t say your name. Is there…anything I can call you?” Danny asked as he slowly stood, careful to keep his eyes on her in case she made any sudden movements. The woman glanced back to him. Her brow was furrowed in thought. She stared at him for what felt like an eternity.
“You can call me… Lost.” She said and Danny raised a brow.
“Alright….Lost. You look like you could use some help. Why don’t I show you where the bathroom is. You can go get cleaned up and I’ll make you some food.” Danny offered softly. She certainly could use the shower. At the mention of food Lost’s hands went to her stomach. She thought for a moment before she nodded.
“Ok…” She relented softly.
As promised, Danny led her to the bathroom. He brought her a spare set of clothing as well. As soon as he heard her turn on the shower he went to the kitchen and dialed emergency services.
“Hi, my name’s Danny Whittleson. I have a strange woman that just came to my house. She looks like one of the people from the missing person’s reports on the news.” Danny spoke quietly as he glanced towards the hallway. While in the shower she shouldn’t be able to hear him. He gave the authorities his information and answered their questions. He was off the phone and preparing a pot of Mac and cheese by the time Lost had finished getting clean.
The young woman shuffled into the kitchen, following the smell of food. She look far more like her missing photo now that her face and hair were free of dirt. The t-shirt and sweatpants he’d given her were far too large for her small malnourished frame. Her eyes followed the bowl of Mac and cheese as he placed it down in front of her.
“I know it’s not much, but-“ She had already started shoveling it into her mouth. It was almost as if she hadn’t eaten in months! As she ate the doorbell rang.
“I’ll be right back.” Danny said with a smile towards the woman as she continued to shovel the food into her mouth.
Danny went to the front door and opened it figuring that it would be the cops. Men in heavy military armor shoved past him, guns drawn. About twenty or so rushed into his house. Danny ran to the kitchen just in time to see five of the soldiers squeeze into the room. All of their guns were pointed towards Lost.
“Hands up!” One shouted. Lost stood cowering against the wall.
“Cynthia Sterling, you’re under arrest!” Once her name was said, the girl gave a blood curdling scream.
She vanished in front of their eyes…