Write a story about a wild bachelorette party beginning in media res.

'In media res' refers to starting a story at the chronological middle of the plot. What elements will you need to incorporate to ensure the plot still makes sense?

Las Vegas

I stare at the flat wheel as if with my gaze it could, magically, fix it itself. The rental minibus is stopped on the side of the road leading to Las Vegas, in the middle of the Nervada desert.

"It's all your fault!" He exclaimed in an affirmative tone, facing Sabrina.

"Oh Tay don't worry" she answers calmly "it's all solved"

"No, you can't solve anything!" I say exasperated. "I can't take it anymore, things have been bad all day!"

Sabrina's expression changes. "You wanted at all costs to organize my bachelorette party, I didn't ask you to do it, I didn't want to, it was you who insisted" It was from the beginning of the trip that she wanted to pull those words out of his chest.

"I'm your maid of honor, and your best friend, I thought that's what you wanted!" Sabrina answered.

"Girls, please calm down" he intervenes Gracie

"Where the fuck is Las Vegas?" Olivia said already drunk.

"First the flight was canceled, then my suitcase was lost, the florist canceled for the wedding, now this one!" I continued with my outburst, ignoring everything I had around.

I'm stuck in the middle of the desert, with a punctured van wheel, with the phone not picking up, to go to the amazing luxury hotel booked by Sabrina.

"Why, explain to me, did you insist so much on organizing this bachelorette party?" I asked Sabrina

"Because it's the last time we'd all be together" she replied "and then, I thought, it was fun" she added.

"Or maybe because you felt guilty for sleeping with Barry" Olivia said out of nowhere.

"What?" He exclaimed "Barry? My Barry? My future husband?!" I feel anger growing inside me.

Sabrina is stunned, she doesn't even deny it.

Olivia is so drunk that I don't know if she realized what she said. It is said in vino veritas, in this case it is vodka.

"How could you" he shouted. The fury takes over and threw me at Sabrina.

We fall to the ground in what is a fixation. I hear behind me say to Olivia:

"How far is it in Las Vegas?"

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