Craft a story where each sentence begins with the successive letter of the alphabet, starting with A.
The story can be about whatever you like, but try to make it coherent and logical as you carefully choose words to start each sentence.
Anna was watching people pass by the office windows, the snow was falling and she was bored. Bored of work, another boring day in the office, waiting for others to finish their work. Casually she got up from her seat and looked towards the kitchen, hoping nobody would notice her waddle to the biscuits for the 5th time today. ‘Damn’, Brian had seen her he got up and followed her she knew she was going to have to talk him. ‘Elevenses?’ he said as he reached for the biscuit tin, before Anna had a chance. Fake out, he grabbed the tea bags next to it instead. ‘Getting a biscuit’ Anna grumbled ‘just trying to make the morning a bit more exciting’. ‘How about another bourbon?’ Ill at ease Anna froze looking at Brian had he been counting her biscuit intake? ‘Im not sure’, Anna said as she fumbled around the jar. ‘Just, that I had noticed you often get a bourbon’ Brian said looking directly at Annas hand. Keeping herself composed, she took the last bourbon, Brian staring as she put it to her lips. ‘Last one’, Anna said and walked away. ‘Maybe we could get a coffee sometime Anna? I know a place with plenty of bourbons.’ ‘No thanks’, Anna walked away as fast as she could without looking weird. 'Only I could get myself into these situations' she thought. Peering from the kitchen to her desk she could still feel Brians eyes burning through her. ‘Quick’ she thought, ‘pretend you are busy before Jen asks what happened’. 'Regarding the Bourbons' an email pinged to Annas inbox. She opened it gingerly. 'Today, it seems someone has decided to eat an entire packet of bourbon biscuits, freshly added to the biscuit jar, please understand these are for everyone.’ Uncomfortably Anna looked around the office, was everyone glaring at her. Various colleagues began to whisper. Were they talking about her? xylophone like tones started to sound from her phone, she quickly answered it. 'You are in trouble’, a voice said, it was her friend Jen from down the office calling her to take the piss. Zoning out, she let Jen carry on waffling as she went back to looking out of the window.