Torn Hearts

Here I stand, between a rock and a hard place,

Rather between two men I’ve come to love.

Pressured to make a choice, pressured to determine who’ll have my heart.

Pressured who’d be my forever after.

On one side, stands a man who brings a fiery passion in me.

Who can make me swoon with a look.

Who makes me feel free.

Who makes me walk on the wild side and embrace my inner desires.

Yet on the other, stands a man who knows my heart better than I do.

One who could comfort me through my troubles. Who knows exactly how make me smile.

Who pushes me to follow my dreams. To be the best person I can be.

Opposites that have stolen my heart. That make me wonder how it happened.

And yet here I stand, forced to choose.

Forced to take one over the other. To leave one and never see them again.

Most would be envious yet all I can do is feel my heart tear in two.

Torn between two men who become so dear.

Who I can’t imagine life without.

But we can’t go on like this. Leading them both astray to satisfy my wishes.

So here I stand between these two men.

Torn hearts and tearful gazes as I make my choice.

“I choose…you.”

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