Sitting in the sun outside your favourite cafe, you get an overwhelming feeling of...

Describe an intense emotion you might feel when you are relaxed and comfortable.

Midday Sun

Contemptment flooding over you like a cool, refreshing wave on a hot summer day. In reality, maybe that’s just the sweat dripping down your back from the harsh midday sun beating down on your skin. Either way, you’re happy to be outside and indulging in some much needed and well deserved alone time - even if you made the poor decision to sit outside in the hot sun with an even hotter coffee instead of in the cool air-conditioning that beckons you back inside.

You try and ignore the bead of sweat dripping down your back as you bring your freshly purchased book up towards your flushed face, desperate to drown out your discomforts. Why did you order a hot coffee again? Well in truth, you did say iced coffee but the pretty, blue haired lady at the front counter didn’t hear you say the first word and you were too nervous to speak up when they placed a hot coffee down in front of you. And so here you sit, contemplating the small decisions that have led you to this string of thoughts.

You know what? No, you’re a twenty-six year old woman and you’re going to say something, dang it! Mustering the courage to pick up the steaming cup of coffee, you march over there with such intent that slowly fizzles with each step closer to the counter.

“Erm, pardon me. Sorry to bother you but this was meant to be an iced coffee. I’m so sorry to bother you. Can you please switch it for me? I’m happy to pay the differen-“

The barista interrupts with an apology and is already taking the coffee with a sweet, comforting smile. You breathe a sigh of relief. You turn to head back outside to your table, before a feeling of confidence strikes. This is your day, you have earned this time of rest and relaxation and so that is what you shall have!

“Could you please deliver it to that table instead?” You conjure up, pointing towards a secluded corner inside underneath the air conditioning unit.

The barista thinks nothing of it, even though you’ve just spent the last ten minutes building it up in your head. Funny that, isn’t it? How big small discomforts feel in your own mind, yet how utterly mundane they are to everyone else. Today is your day, you remind yourself. Your iced coffee, the cool air-conditioning, your new book, your calm mind. You are allowed these indulgences.

Ten minutes pass before goosebumps arise on your arm from the blaring air-conditioning, the breeze brushing over your skin repeatedly. Your fingers feel a little stiff as you turn the pages to your book. Maybe you should’ve bought your jacket.

And so the cycle continues.

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