The Devastating Truth

It’s started with love,

It was peaceful and joyful,

My heart was actually happy,

Until you ripped it out with glee,

A bloody sight to behold,

One that caused more wounds than healing.

The love died from inside,

Took the joyful and peaceful,

The happy was now invisible,

With what glee you grin,

I behold the devastating truth,

One that shows no healing, wherever it may hide.

From inside I wept,

From the peaceful I slept,

From the invisible I crept,

The grin I hated,

The truth now in shackles,

Hiding inevitable in this god forsaken world.

(It may seem a bit patching and all over the place but it’s just my mind lately..although I am talking in first and second person, I am more talking about the world and how it has me in a tangle..have a great day/night!!!)

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