Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.

The Misty Path

The dusty grey clouds surround the forboding path as only silence prevails in the area. None dare to walk down this path because of an old legend of which there once was a brave man who new every path in town until he saw this path. Everyone in the town frantically started questioning him for how he did not know this path. The man couldn’t this himself for he had no clue either. The very next day he set out on his way to understand and memorise the path so that none can question him again. He walked on for what seemed forever as the slow breeze brushes against his hair but on he went.

Hours passed but there was no sign of him everyone in the town guessed that he left the town in embarresment. From that day people chose to go explore it themselves but just like the brave man they never came back. Conspiricies grew on about what happened to the people who vanished when they went down the path. Until, everyone was too terified to go down the path everyone left the area in fear of knowing that something is wrong in that area. All the people know now about the path is the fact that it just looks too scary to go down. They all just avoid it and enjoying the rest of their lives without knowing its true nature.

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