Write a story about what what it means to be brave in your view.
Okay, you do this. It’s not hard, right? People do this all the time. It’s not a big deal. It a big deal. It’s a huge deal!
No, no, calm yourself. This is for the best. You are miserable. You cannot go one like this.
Just knock, just knock. He’s your friend. Yeah, this hurt down the line, you’ll have to tighten your belt some. But you need this.
It’ll end up good, no it’ll end up great! Science! Learning! You want this, you need this.
Just do it.
Knock on his door. Smile, and say you need to talk.
Sit down. And hand in your two weeks notice.
Laugh. Cry. And be rid of that place.
Stock up on Ramen.