Describe the ugliest creature your imagination can make up.

Try to build the clearest image possible of the most gruesome creature you can make up - this should not be a real animal, although you could base it on one.

I Saw The Flaws

Its thick head was said to be full of bliss and ignorance, rather than intelligence and mindfulness. Some said their tongues were terribly sharp, able to steal ones emotions or thoughts, some say its appearance and tongue were so distinct it was hard to feel anything but misery around it. It only ever lurked around a misty glowing aura, not even one can comprehend. Only this beast is able to contain it, but sometimes, its power sucks the beast into a mind numbing hour of blind blissfullness. Its skin was pale, wrinkled, and fat folds hung loose from its belly, like it was the victims that the beast had devoured with its sharp tongue. It only would ever back away if one stood up to it, making a loud commotion, making themselves seem bigger. The beast would hurry away and not return unless its ego had. Humans, m’ I right? Also, I said the beast lingered around a ‘ bright glowing aura that sometimes sucked the beast into a numbing blisfullness,” Phone.
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