Write a character's internal monologue that includes an example of stream of consciousness.
Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that represents the flow of a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur in real time, without logical order or punctuation.
“Party People”
“Are you having fun?”
Why would this be fun
I’m not even here willingly—of course it’s not fun.
“Are you okay?”
Definitely not okay
I don’t want to be here I hate everything about this place.
“Are you Sure?”
Oh shoot they’re catching onto me—Don’t panic.
“Positive. I’m going to go grab a drink.”
Gosh why can’t people just leave me alone
I really don’t feel like talking…
“Seriously, are you okay?”
Why do they care so much?
It’s not like I’m crying or screaming, I just don’t want to be here
“I’m worried about you.”
Well how do I react to that one? Thanks- Sorry- Tell them the truth- run away- I know.
“I’m just not a big party person.”
That’ll cover me for now.