Write a scene where a character quits, or is fired from, their job.

This could be based off real experience, or entirely made up. Think about why they have to leave, and the ramifications of doing so.

De Marbella

It’s been a long eight years at De Marbella hotel. I’m glad ive finally made my choice to become a writer I just don’t know how Aneska will take the news when I break it to her that she has to find a new lounge manager.

I knock onto Aneska’s door and she yells at me to come in, as I walk into the office with my notice to hand in she glares at me “have I done something wrong? I ask Aneska rolls her eyes at me “of course! Your leaving I know!” She scrolls. I make an ‘I don’t know what to say face’ as I look around the room. Aneska stands up and slams her hands on the table “Fine! Leave I don’t need you!”. I slam the door to Aneska’s office and I feel as if there has been a whole lot of weight removed off my shoulders. The first thing on my mind is that I have to tell Michael but remembering that he is doing his three hour exam for the police to become a detective, one of Michael’s dreams has always been to be a detective and he’s finally getting there so I leave him a message “I’m finally free from De Marbella I’m so happy I made this choice for our future together, I will see you at home I love you”.

I’m staring at the clock that I can hear ticking while sitting on the dining table waiting to Michael to come through the door the anxiety is intense. The clock strikes 15:03 as Michael walks through he door with the biggest grin on his face with his arms wide open “I DID IT, i made detective” Michael exclaimed excitedly. Michael and I finish “hugging it out” as they would of said at de Marbella “I’m so proud of you Michael, I think we should celebrate. Have you told your mum yet?” I say with happiness in my voice.

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