Write a letter to a friend, from the perspective of someone living 100 years in the future.
What commonplace things might they mention that would surprise a reader now, and how can you use these to drive an interesting narrative?
If you’re reading this now, it means that from the moment you find it, the universe is intrinsically changed. I’ve gone back and forth with myself- what would someone 100 years ago benefit from knowing? How much of what I have to say would not even make sense to you without temporal context?
You live in a time driven by fear and anger. A time with a glaring sense of doom, the knowledge that without a widespread change in how everything is done, the earth itself will die, and everything on it along with it. I can’t say that humans woke up and changed their behavior. But there’s an old saying- “Only when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing will we change.” And eventually, we did. We had to.
As above, so below. The old World Wide Web was a reflection of the workings of the all. Everything connected, all the time, in infinite ways. Paradoxically, the further we ventured from nature, the more we began to unconsciously mirror it, down to the quantum level. As we became more connected technologically, so did our ideas- “trends” and information became so widespread so incredibly quickly and were almost instantaneously universally accepted that we had created a sort of artificial hive mind.
As this unity transpired, although our opinions became more polar, our feelings became universal: fear, longing, anger were all encompassing. This pushed the people of that time to reject what they saw as traditional. Suddenly, the new cool thing to do was to turn their backs on technology and the world their parents had built. Revolution is never easy, nor without fatalities. Much of the technology of those times was lost to us, as some of the more ancient knowledge of the all was unearthed and revived.
The richest of the rich quickly moved into separate societies. Those that didn’t move far enough quickly enough were torn to shreds. Violently rejected from society, stripped of their belongings, stripped of their power, and often stripped of their lives. The reason you are reading this now is that it has all begun. On December 4, 2024, the CEO of a major insurance agency responsible for many deaths of innocents in the pursuit of endless riches was gunned down in what was then the United States of America. Suddenly, people began to imagine the possibilities if this same course of action was directed towards what we only call “the rest of them.”