Two friends in the park find they cannot leave until...

They Finish Their Game

— “You’re insane!” I said, “we can leave whenever we want!”

— He gave me a look, the same look I’d give my parents when telling them that Mr. Jones tried to get to close, “Mar… We can’t.”

— “tch,” I stood up and walked to the entrance of the park. I tried pushing open the gate, but I whipped my hand back, it was hot as a stove, “The hell?”

— “Yeah. Hey maybe we could finish our game of truth or dare while we’re waiting?” He fiddled with his hair.

— “Sure! Truth or dare Manny?”

— “Truth.”

— “Who did Gabby sleep with?” Why did it sound like an accusation? It wasn’t.

— “Fancil.” He muttered.

— “Mr. Jones?! Damn!” I paused… Mr. Jones…. Shit.

— “Truth or-“ a voice cut him off, it was deep and gravelly.

— “Truth or dare?”

— “What? … Um… Truth?”

— “What’s your real name?” The voice asked.

— I was silent and mumbled out, “Marany Daniels…”

— “Wrong answer.” Then I fell forward and caught myself before the spike hit.

— “Dare, tell Manny what you did to him today.”

— “Mar? What’s he mean?”

— “… I…. I didn’t mean to! I swear! Some kids overheard me talking to Sam-“

— He cut me off, “Mar, what did you do?”

— “… I was planning this trip for you after you came out and some jerk overheard and… that’s why you got beat up today… I am so sorry…”

— “You planned a trip?” He asks with a smile.

— “Yeah…” he hugged me.

— “Manny, truth or dare?” The voice asked.

— “Truth!” He yelled.

— “Do you know where Gabriel is?” Gabriel was my older brother. He’d been missing. I knew Manny must’ve known where he was.

— “Uh… Yeah… New York. Mar look I wanted to tell you-“

— “I know Manny. Don’t worry.” I grabbed at the gate and it was still hot. So i shoulder rammed it open and we ran.

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