Transference of Life

Dark magic was simple in concept, but difficult in reality. It had a vast amount of uses: the unrivalled strength to kill your enemies, the vile wrath to poison hordes of people, and the ability to grant life at the cost of death. This final aspect was what drew Alexander to learn that which was the most taboo of magic. His childhood love had been struck down by an unknown ailment, dooming her to a short and miserable life. Standard magic had done nothing for her, aside from confirming her illness to be magical in nature. Her only cure was death.

Death, however, could be made temporary.

Alexander has thrown himself into the research of the dark arts, leading him to find a solution. He would have to let her pass, confirm the illness had left her body, and then revive her again. A muffled whine came from the back of the room as he scoured his books, confirming the fine details of the plan. With a sigh, he got up from his chair. Bound to a bed was an unfortunate traveller, who picked the wrong time to go on an adventure. A vagrant that wasn’t likely to be missed.

“Shhh,” Alexander said, pressing a finger against the ragged cloth gag that sat in the man’s mouth. “You’re going to be part of something bigger, isn’t it exciting?”

The bound man shook his head side to side, tears streaming down his face. Alexander gave him a pity pat on the head, before returning to his work. His mind was focused by the scriptures, committing the ritualistic chants to mind. There was one last aspect he had to check in on, which sat in the room over from him.

Laid on her death was his love, her breath coarse and rasping. She watched him enter, a smile upon her weak lips.

“Are my parents coming?” the woman asked, before letting out a hoarse cough. “I’m not sure I have long left.”

“They will be along soon, I’m sure of it.”

Alexander’s smile hid his lies, while his hands sat loosely on each arm. They would never agree to his plans, no one would. Secrecy was important.

“Can I get you anything, in the meantime?”

His love shook her head, so he settled down next to her. As time passed, he could feel her slipping, until her breath stilled for the final time. He took per pulse and on finding it absent, turned his attention to his captor.

The muffled screaming followed Alexander as he dragged the man into the room, dumping him on the floor. Alexander cracked a gleeful smile, thanking him for his sacrifice, before binding him to the floor. One hand on him, and one hand on his love, he began his work. Life fell from his victim, funnelling into the corpse bedside him. As the wanderer’s body went limp, his love’s body gasped for breath before falling into slumber.

Ah, to see his life’s work completed.

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