'I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.'

Compose your own poem including this line from the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

Devil (competition)




_Boom. _


_Boom. _

I press my body to the floor, glad not much of my skin could touch the cold tile, but also wishing I was wearing less as the fire beat against my skin in one, powerful pulse. I waited just an extra second, to make sure every explosive went off. That one second could be the difference between victory, and death.

Knowing how The Watchers work, if I’m caught, there will be no trail, no jail time. They might skin me and leave me in the royal chicken coops, where they might peck out my organs as if bird scratch. Maybe twist me up into strange contortions so I can fit into something small. Or maybe if they don’t want to clean up a mess, they could just break every single one of my bones, except for the tiny bones at the end of my fingers that are simply to hard to break. Or maybe…

No, No I don’t have time for this. I kicked off the ground using every muscle in my legs and fingertips, as if the small things can do much, and ran into the smoke. The adrenaline pumped through my body and mind in slow, exhilarating pumps. If the blueprints were accurate, then I know where I need to be, and the fastest way to get there. I turn the corner using my hand to hold on to the doorframe in attempts to not loose any speed or momentum.

The nerves in my stomach have tightened their hold, and it was hard to see through the thick smoke, but, I was in. _I was in._ I ducked below a pipe and slid into a small hole in the wall caused by the fires.

“All clear, charge the vault, Rubies go to the Starflower Vault, Opals get into the command center, Emeralds come find me in the Muscaria Passage.” I speak over the compact looking device. My heart sinks to my stomach as all I hear is static. Even though it was maybe just a few seconds, it seemed like the clock was working double time and those few seconds, felt like minutes. But then a burst of static broke through the device.

“Got it boss.” The rough voice of my assistant broke through, and I couldn’t help but smile. A laugh almost broke through before I remembered my mission.

The Royals are getting too powerful. It feels like the more power they gain, the more of their hearts turn cold and black. And of course, their Watchers are more than happy to hurt anyone the Royals even think might be a threat.

But power is possibly more easily accomplished when you have the finances. Starflowers are a dark blue flower with tiny buds in the middle, and pedals 20 times the size of the center. Large leaves that are round, and come to a small point at the edges. The starflower can be useful as food, teas, medicines, perfumes and such, but if even one extra fourth of one of the petals, it can be deadly.

Muscarias are mushrooms that cause temporary insanity, but grow small nuggets of gold in the very top of the stem. That is if you can stay sane enough to get them.

The control room is how the watchers well, watch. Wires and buttons and screens, all working to hunt us. To point out any small mistake we make. They like to punish. They _really_ like to punish.

The smoke was clearing, which meant our time was running out. But when I could make out more than just silhouettes, I saw a bright pair of eyes. Pupils just slits, eye the color of ambers, and eyelashes thick and long.

“Hello.” She says her smile large. Her lips painted a dark red.

I whimpered quietly to myself, memories rushing back like a dagger thrust into my mind and heart. My knees felt like buckling. And I struggled to breathe, but forced myself to swallow the bile that has risen.

“Is my new look so beautiful you simply do not have words?” She cackled. Her beautiful high pitched laugh, gone.

“Hello, Seraphina.” I didn’t want to look at her changed face, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away, even though I tried. _I really tried_.

“Now, I know why you are here,” she says, her voice seductive, low, and smooth, “but you see,” she stalked closer and I gulped again, “I simply cannot allow that to happen, my love.” She was right next to me now, one of her fingers traced the lines of my face. I grabbed her hand and tore it away, though I wanted it. I barely even remembered why I was there.

“No, Seraphina. I need to do this. You know I need to do this.” Her face turned sour. Her lips curling.

“I really don’t see why. What’s wrong with power, why do you wish to tear it away? Is that why you threw me away? I was getting the power, and you were staying in place? Were you jealous of me Roman?” She was trying to get under my skin. And she was succeeding. My jaw clenched.

“I left because you were going down a path I simply couldn’t save you from.” She used to have soft pink lips, a heart shaped mouth and face, soft golden hair, and large eyes with the most beautiful green eyes ever made. She was one of the angels that worked to protect those who might need it. I was one of those people. But we fell in love. She became attached to me, and I was incredibly fascinated by her.

Sera screamed and swiped at me with her sharp nails painted a deep black . “_No! You left because you’re broken! You’re broken! not me! Not me, not me! You! And You broke my heart with your broken hands!_” She took a deep breath and continued in the same even tone from before, “but don’t worry sweetheart. I traded my cracked heart for strength, my soul for shadows, and my wings for horns. Fallen is not a word for me. I’ve gone to far to just be fallen, at this point I could be considered a devil.”

I felt like falling and crying on the ground. I never wanted to hurt her. I’ve never wanted to hurt anyone. “You have to let me do this Sera.”

“Stop saying my name.”

I nodded. “Sometimes things have to be done. Whether we want them to or not. Whether we are willing to take these measures or not. If you stop me now, someone else will come. We will never stop coming. We are going to win if you-“

She smiled devilishly. “Wrong” was the only thing she said before lunging at me. I was knocked to the ground by her body, as she used her nails to dig into my chest. “I’m going to break your heart like you broke mine. I’m going to make you bleed like I did, I’m going to-“ I used my last bits of adrenaline to get on top of her.

I pinned her to the floor, and used the cuffs that were made from metals on one of you 7 moons, with the power to stick to a surface forever, and linked it to one of her wrists, than thrust it to the floor.

“I am sorry.” I said truthfully.

“_Lair_!” Sera screamed with everything left in her. She repeated that word over and over until you voice cracked and broke and she cried tears of pain.

I winced. Say assistants voice broke through the device once again, “we need to get out of here, Rowan. Time is out we can’t stay any longer. The watchers are coming in.” I swore under my breath as my device cut off. I am not dying in here.

I looked at the only thing letting me communicate with the others, and crushed it beneath my foot. The electrical fire quickly mixed with the earthy fire, turning the flames black.

“Don’t leave me!” Her voice was absolutely destroyed.

“Bye Sera.” And then, I ran. I ran and ran and _ran_. I knew my exit, and got there quickly, but it was hard to keep going while hearing the painful scream of Seraphina. Burning alive. Cursing my name. Tears rolled down my face, and the knife that was stabbing me when I first saw her, seemed to have twisted now.

But I got it done. The castle will crumble, the walls following. And the kingdom will drown, and the power will finally die.

But it will all start with the burning of the vaults, and the destruction of the Devils inside.

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