The Script

This was the one! This was John’s big break! After 11 years of taking any part no matter how small. Being an actor sucked when first starting out. 11 years! Finally here it was. Celebration tonight!

“Wonder who my leading lady will be?” John thought to himself.

Immediately his head popped up with his next thought. This was a very important question. There was only one person he absolutely did not want to work with.

Anaya Greene.

Seven years ago John had a bit part along with Anaya Greene. From the get-go they did not get along. There was no, nada, zip, chemistry with the two of them. She constantly corrected him and “coached” him, like she was some kind of Oscar winner. Totally into herself and not afraid to let everyone know it. John found it completely impossible to work with Anaya and ended up walking off the set. Because of that he was black-listed for a year.

“No way can that happen.” John unconvincingly thought to himself.

John made it to the set the next morning earlier than requested, wanting to make a good impression. He was ready for this. He was going to kill it!

His personal assistant showed him to the makeup trailer. Humming a tune just under his breath he stepped up into the trailer and froze. His heart sank. Disappointment caught in his throat sending out an unintentional guttural growling sound.

Sitting in the makeup chair next to his was Anaya Greene.

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