Create a short story about a culture that measures time differently than we do.
Think about how this affects their lifestyle.
Crows Feet
Marla woke up bright eyed and with a smile that she could feel before she was fully awake. “I am 45 years old today!” She looks in the mirror and wonders when her crows feet will begin to extend into her hairline. She’s been dreaming of the day she will be full of wrinkles and have grey hair. Her first thought that morning: “What a blessing it is to be old.”
To be young meant you were gullible and unintelligent. You know nothing. With time, the aging your mind and body goes through is extraordinary. Everyone wants to be old. Everyone wants to be wise. To know the world is to know yourself. And to know yourself is to know the world.
The older one gets, the larger the parties. Birthday parties are not really a thing when you’re a child. Rarely do they remember them so parties are focused on older adults. Marla remembers that she and her friends didn’t have a party until they were 18! That is when you start to feel older and unlike a child. At least for Marla it did.
Aging is the most precious thing we have. We look forward to the future, knowing there is the unknown. The endless possibilities. The past is the past, it is important for how we became who we are today, but rarely do people want to be a child again. It’s so beautiful isn’t it? Being able to get older. Witnessing the changes in your body, it fills our cups.
There is shame put upon those who are younger in a way. Those children wish to have the knowledge of adults, some of them are going to lengths of making themselves look like an adult. Altering their bodies to that of an older individual, but that’s mostly the boys. The boys will have procedures to get bigger muscles and a receding hairline. Makes them look like an adult but really, they’re still a kid. They’ll get here one day, but there’s no rush. All in ones time.