The Unchosen One

It was the day. The day for the prophecy to be fulfilled once and for all.

We all heard the news through rumors, friends, acquaintances, strangers. The news spread like fire, and the people were the gasoline.

No one knew exactly what the prophecy was, all we knew is that the person who lay their hands onto the crystallized orb, would see the prophecy.

And if they were the chosen one, they could see the prophecy and the orb would glow yellow.

I’ve seen my first prophecy ceremony at eighteen. 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗼 𝗦𝗮𝘄𝘆𝗲𝗿.

The only weird thing is that the chosen ones aren’t ever seen from again or at least we don’t see them until the next ceremony.

“Evelyn, your assistance is needed in lab 203.” Dr. Crohan’s secretary explained to me, I gathered my paperwork and headed to the elevator.

I pressed the button for the third floor, I watched the monitor in the elevator as it shared news about the prophecy tomorrow.

“As if we didn’t already hear the news a thousand times.”

I rolled my eyes, exiting the elevator and headed to lab 203. I went inside to see Dr. Crohan examining some purple minerals.

“Dr. Crohan…” I spoke up, he perked up a little bit his eyes never left the minerals.

“Ah, I was just anticipating your arrival Evelyn. You can remove your jewels and leave them on the table.” He looked away from the minerals and put on his lab coat.

I nodded and did as told, removing my crystal white necklace. I was his assistant for about a year, but before I was his assistant, I was just an intern until I finished college.

I left my jewels on the working table with the minerals and left out of the room with Crohan.

After a long day of work, I gathered my belongings I carelessly threw my necklace into my bag as I didn’t bother putting it back on.

I went home to an empty house, I lived alone. I didn’t have time for friends or boyfriends as I was always studying.

I mean, I did have one boyfriend, Milo. What a coincidence, since he’s a prophecy member.

I did my usually vapid and insipid routine before going to bed for the big day tomorrow.

Third Person POV

Inside Eve’s bag, her white crystallized necklace began to glow a bright violet. Along with the violet minerals in the lab.

The minerals began shaking rapidly, vibrating on the table until they fell….CRACK!

Evelyn stared at the man trying to perform an egg trick but failing miserably, she turned her attention to the orb.

“I can’t believe I get to see the prophecy this year!” A young girl behind her smiled proudly, Evelyn smiled down at her. “I can’t believe it either!” She patted the girl’s shoulder and felt a shock.

She winced and quickly moved her hand, giving a smile of reassurance to the little girl.

The bell rang.

Everyone began to gather around, three common figures and one familiar circled around the orb.

Evelyn stared at her ex-boyfriend, Milo. She hasn’t seen him in 5 years, but not once did he look in her direction. Something was off about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

In fact, this whole ceremony felt off. The young girl stood in front of the orb, staring up at the three figures.

The only female figure spoke, “You, Faith Kaiser will be the prophecy’s new face, you shall gift this town with your exquisite gift. You shall move this town forward, better it! You are our blessing and our future. Only if you accept this prophecy?” She said with a huge grin.

Faith nodded, she then proceeded to place her hands on the orb.

Which immediately start glowing a golden yellow, Faith’s eyes grew big but her green iris started fading, the gold yellow smoke from the orb started spiraling around her, which made her start floating

The smoke began to fill her eyes, her iris came back but not green, it was golden yellow. She came back to ground level and removed her hands from the orb.

Faith was holding her head stumbling back and knocked the orb down by accident. Evie quickly caught the orb as it grew a bright violet, the figures eyes grew big as they stared at Evie, whose eyes were now violet.

Evie muttered gently, “There was never a prophecy, it was all a lie.”

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