The Longest Path

The mountain trail went on forever. Great tall pine trees loomed overhead as the path winded ever further up. Each step sounded the crunch of gravel and earth and their breaths mingled with birdsong.

They had been walking for almost three hours and Beth could overhear the other three talking about their plans for the summer while she trudged behind wishing she hadn’t finished the last of her water. Her legs were burning and she wondered if her Vans were really the best footwear for a hike. A rest was needed.

Within seconds of the thought bright light broke through gloom, and and the path was lit up as the trees melted away behind as the path began to lead up to a giant house, defying physics somehow as it leaned over the mountainside.

The house gave Beth a sense of renewed energy and she caught up with the Temi, Amy and Mia as they all stared up at the mansion together.

‘It’s beautiful’, said Amy

‘Should we go up there?’ Mia asked

Temi, who had organised the hike, nodded.

‘Yeah, it’s where the path leads and we should be near the top in an hour.’

Beth nodded in silent agreement. They walked up the trail and it passed the front of the house. Long rectangular windows looked out over the mountain and also gave them a view of inside. Four girls were inside the house making food. As they walked along the path past the door one of the girls from inside smiled at them through the window and opened the door.

‘Hey there! Do you want some water and some food? We’ve got tons!’

Beth immediately nodded, along with Mia and Amy but Temi answered for them.

‘We’ll be okay thanks. How long is it to the top?’

‘A couple hours from here. You can’t be going up there now surely? It’s about to rain!’

Beth looked up and saw that the girl was right. The sky had gone grey and dark clouds were gathering. Rain started to splatter Beth’s face.

‘You can stay in here with us for a while!’

‘Are you sure? We don’t want to bother you’

‘Of course, it’s fine. Come in, come in.’

The matter settled, Beth, Amy, Mia and Temi rattled in through the doorway as the rain began to fall heavier.

The girl led them to the front room where they met the rest of the group and they all introduced themselves.

‘I’m Temi, that’s Amy, that’s Beth and that’s Mia.’

The other girls came and hugged each of them respectively and Beth caught their names; Destiny, Faith, Hope and Eden.

Eden, the girl who offered them shelter then offered Beth a glass of water, and Beth went into the kitchen with her, while the others all sat on a U shaped sofa in front of a fire.

Beth thanked Eden for the water and devoured it so quickly that Eden smiled and brought her a second glass.

‘It’s a long walk, you must be tired.’

Beth smiled. ‘It’s the first hike I’ve done in years, my legs don’t won’t to move for another ten years.’

Eden laughed. She put a hand on Beth’s thigh in such a way that Beth didn’t jump back or ask what she was doing.

‘How does it feel now?’

Beth walked a few paces. Nothing. Her legs felt as though she had hardly walked at all, in fact they felt stronger than they had ever done.

‘What just happened? My legs feel amazing’

‘Have you heard of Wicca? We’re Wiccan here and we can do special things. I’m sure you must have realised it before now.’

Beth thought back to how the weather changed immediately and how they had found the house as soon as she desperately wanted a rest. A feeling inside her knew that Eden wasn’t lying yet she wasn’t afraid.

‘Wiccan? What is that?’

Eden smiled. ‘We can do things, heal people, read minds, even see the future. We’re humans in case you were wondering, but our abilities are not. We only reveal ourselves to those who we think are worthy of sharing our gifts.’

Beth was taken aback. ‘You think I’m worthy?’

‘You all are. Even Temi, though she will find it the hardest.’

‘I can learn magic? You’re not joking?’

Eden put a hand on her shoulder. Instantly Beth felt a surge of energy and she stood up straighter.

Beth looked her in the eye.

‘Okay, I’m in.’

Eden smiled.

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